God's Provision in Companionship
by Davin Dahlgren, September 1997
I was beginning to think I would be alone forever. I had spent years searching for the woman that everyone assured me that God had picked out for me. Many of these folks were women who assured me that I was quite a catch, and according to them, some woman was going to be very lucky to have me -- as long as that woman wasn't them. As you can imagine, this constant rejection resulted in resentment, bitterness, and depression.
Though I did not know it, these very attitudes were preventing me from finding the woman that God had, in fact, designed for me. Only after I had begun to actively seek to know Him in a real and personal way did He show me these things. He made me aware of the depth of the pain and bitterness. Up to that point, I had merely stuffed those things back down inside. But now it was time to get rid of it altogether -- something that could only be done by turning it all over to Jesus Christ. Through Him, all of those painful memories were put to death, the root of bitterness was destroyed, and I was free to forgive everyone that had hurt me in the past.
I told God that I was now going to rely on Him to provide companionship for me. My primary focus was still on getting to know Him better. It was my belief that once my relationship with God was strengthened, my relationships with people would also improve.
I had been advised that any relationship I was to develop should be centered on Christ. At the time, I didn't really know what that meant. I was in the process of learning what it meant to center my own life on Christ. I asked God to build that understanding in me. He did so by introducing me to a variety of people of varying spiritual awareness. As I learned to interact with others who were seeking to be Christ-centered, our common desires to grow spiritually led us to encourage each other in searching to know Christ.
During all this, God tested my submission to His guidance. It is not enough to simply say that God has the control of every situation. He expects us to act like we believe it. I was given the opportunity to act like I meant what I said. My natural reaction to difficult circumstances would have been anger, resentment, and bitterness. But since giving all that up to God, He gave me the strength to live it. For the first time, I was actually at peace about being rejected. I had given the situation to God, and I knew that He was taking care of the details. I offered it all up to Him again, telling Him that I wanted His will for my life.
God worked His will marvelously by introducing me to Emily. At last I know that God did indeed design a woman specifically for me. And even better, He designed me specifically for her. We are both very excited about growing to spiritual maturity in Christ. We complete each other. God blessed us both by building our relationship from the inside out. Starting by creating hearts of love for Himself, He then knit our souls inextricably together in a growing relationship with each other. We are currently engaged to be married, and we are both looking forward to a life of spiritual growth and service together as we work with God in the furtherance of His kingdom.
On May 18, 1998 Emily and I were married.

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